Saturday, January 19, 2013

Letter of Applause and Thanks to Mark of People Helping People

Dear Mark: For many years you have distinguished yourself and your interviews by being open to the remarks of all of us who do our best to help still suffering alcoholics and addicts. Your presentations are even more important now because of the handful of sites which lambaste A.A., Christians in A.A., and those who help AAs. Fortunately, about the time the stinkin thinkin, orange, psychoheresy, Lanagan crowd began throwing their stones, a huge number of Christians in Alcoholics Anonymous began gathering together in Big Book/Bible study groups, James Clubs, A.A. History groups, Christian recovery fellowships, conferences, seminars, and workshops to disseminate the role that God and His Son Jesus Christ and the Bible have played in healing alcoholics and addicts with the power of God, and can still play today. You deserve a medal as one of those who—perhaps like Dr. Silkworth—loves drunks, feels responsible when their hands go out for help, and spares no efforts when it comes to showing them what God has been doing for others that they could not do for themselves. You’ve grasped the great element of “service” that Dr. Bob grasped way back in 1935 when he met Bill W.


Now, after three and a half years, participants in all 50 states and in other countries have listed themselves as participants in the informal worldwide fellowship of Christian Recovery Leaders, Workers, Newcomers, and concerned members of the public to open wide the doors as to the good news of the efficacy and successes available to and availed of by those who were seemingly hopeless, medically incurable, last gasp real alcoholics and realized that the abc’s of A.A. held out hope. And that the hope was and is available for those who want and need and seek the power and love of God and have gone to any length to do so. But for the grace of God!!!


All praise to God and to those who now stand for what he can do and who are participants in;; and Christian Recovery Resource Centers worldwide.



Dick B., Writer, Historian, Retired attorney, Bible student, CDAAC, and active recovered AA with over 26 years of continuous sobriety.

Author, 46 titles & over 1,200 articles on A.A. History and the Christian Recovery Movement

(808) 874-4876

PO Box 837, Kihei, HI 96753-0837


Ps 118:17 (NJB):
I shall not die, I shall live to recount the great deeds of Yahweh.


Facebook: DickBmauihistorian

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