Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Dick B. Radio Preview of the Broad Scope of the Maine September First International A.A. History Conference

Dick B. discusses

"The First International Alcoholics Anonymous History Conference,”

Sept. 6-7, 2013, in Portland, Maine,

on the June 4, 2013, episode of the "Christian Recovery Radio with Dick B." show


Dick B.

© 2013 Anonymous. All rights reserved


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Hear Dick B. discuss "The First International Alcoholics Anonymous History Conference," Sept. 6-7, 2013, in Portland, Maine, on the June 4, 2013, episode of the "Christian Recovery Radio with Dick B." show here:

or here:

Episodes of the "Christian Recovery Radio with Dick B." show are archived at:




The Growing Scope of “The First International A.A. History Conference,” 9/6-7/2013


The First International Alcoholics Anonymous History Conference is growing in participants, subjects, and scope each day. The Conference will be held September 6-7, 2013, at The First Baptist Church of Portland, Maine, 360 Canco Road, Portland, Maine. There will be many events before, during, and after the conference proper. These include round table discussions, speakers, special presentations, meeting places, a possible side trip on September 8-10 to St. Johnsbury, Vermont. St. Johnsbury is where Dr. Bob was born and received his “excellent training” in the Good Book as a youngster. These also include a speaker-discussion meeting of the “Free At Last” A.A. Group  on Wednesday, September 11, with a potluck dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m., and with the meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. featuring Dick B. and Ken B. as guest speakers. And now we will tell you of the enormous growth in planning and activities that has taken place—three months before the scheduled conference period, September 5-12, 2013.



Highlights of the Dick B. Radio Interview

The First International Alcoholics Anonymous History Conference

                        September 6-7, 2013, in Portland, Maine





Growing and Growing and Growing in Groups, Geographical Areas Represented, and Subjects to be Covered


For example:


            The Akronites from Ontario, Canada, will be coming to talk about their huge Akron A.A. oriented program.


The James Gang of Connecticut will be coming to show how the James Club idea is practiced in their old school recovery program.


A psychiatrist from Deaconess Hospital in Massachusetts will be sharing on how he has developed a “quiet time” practice.


An Episcopal priest from Austin, Texas, will be bringing exhibits and examples of the Quiet Time practices being developed in Texas by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas Recovery Committee, of which Father Bill W. is Chair.


A leader of a hot “Came to Believe Retreat” in Colorado (a retreat program originally established in the U.S. by Clarence H. Snyder) will be on hand to tell us how these growing retreats are using Our A.A. Legacy to the Faith Community: A Twelve-Step Guide for Those Who Want to Believe by Three Clarence Snyder Sponsee Old-timers and Their Wives, compiled and edited by Dick B. (http://cametobelieve.org/bookstore.htm). And they still are taking AAs through the Steps in an afternoon, and seeing them “come to believe.”


A long-time leader in the Gospel Rescue Mission association, in Alcoholics Victorious, in City Vision College, and in a recovery program for homeless veterans, will be coming from Missouri to show the extensive community outreach there.


An A.A. archivist will be attending with friends from the State of Washington. He will share about his role as archivist, photographer, and investigator in our research trips throughout Vermont and then in Cleveland, Ohio


A physician from St. Louis will be coming to discuss his program of using spiritual means for preventing “impaired” professionals from relapsing after treatment or quitting


The executive director of the revived Christian Endeavor International (http://christianendeavor.com/) will be coming from Michigan to show the new emphasis on prayer among young people.


A participant will be coming from Africa where spiritual recovery is growing.


A leading Miami attorney, Christian leader, recovered 12 Stepper, and much-sought-after speaker on how to present the Steps and the Big Book in 12 Step meetings based on Conference-approved literature will be sharing about Christian Recovery outreach in South Florida.


Overcoming inappropriate and disrupting censorship of literature, of names, and of A.A. and similar meetings will be presented by more than one victorious, recovered AA and 12 Step leader.


Two women leaders from Rhode Island will be presenting on “That Power, which is God.”


A recovered Christian A.A. leader from New Hampshire will be on hand to share about his message-carrying with bikers.


A pastor from Ohio will be joining us to tell of his Christian recovery leadership.


You can meet a noted blind author, Appalachian Trail hiker, and recovered man from Maine who will be a participant sharing how God enabled him to be lifted from his earthly hole into an illustrious life of service and witness.


And there will be others helping us to focus on the special need to bring to the recovery fellowships and programs key information about: (1) A.A.’s Christian cofounders Bill W. and Dr. Bob; (2) the documented Christian origins of A.A.; (3) the original A.A. “Christian fellowship” program in Akron;  (4) the top successes of early Cleveland A.A.; and (5) how sponsors can present to newcomers a full spectrum of what God can do for the alcoholic who wants His help. And Who is providing that help today.


The First International Alcoholics Anonymous History Conference in Portland, Maine, September 6-7, 2013, and the personal and small-group meetings with Dick B. and Ken B. before and after the conference are all FREE! Advance registration is required to enable planning for the large crowd expected.


There will be ample opportunity to meet with Dick B. and Ken B. during the period they will be in Maine from September 5 to 12, 2013. Don’t miss this chance to teach us, share with us, learn from us, and help us highlight the role that God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible played and can play in recovery right now.


[** We may also offer a research tour side trip to St. Johnsbury, Vermont (about three hours away)—where A.A. cofounder Dr. Bob was born and received his strong Christian upbringing—leaving from Portland, Maine, on Sunday afternoon, September 8, and returning to Portland on September 10. Dick B. and Ken B. did research work in St. Johnsbury in 2007, 2008, and 2012. Be sure to pick up a copy of Dick B. and Ken B., Dr. Bob of Alcoholics Anonymous: His Excellent Training in the Good Book as a Youngster in Vermont (http://dickb.com/drbobofaa.shtml) and check out www.DrBob.info in preparation for the side trip. If you would like to participate in the special research tour of St. Johnsbury, please let contact Dick B. by email or Ken B. on his cell phone. **]


For more information, contact Dick B. by email at DickB@DickB.com or Ken B. on his cell phone at 1-808-276-4945.


Gloria Deo

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