Saturday, March 16, 2013

Alcoholics Anonymous Personal Stories

Have you ever read the personal stories of the early A.A. pioneers? They are in the First Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous. They illustrate how the early AAs  practiced the principles of the Bible in the beginning days. Unfortunately, these stories were systematically removed from the Big Book in subsequent editions. And our friends were kept in the dark as to the importance of those pioneer stories and what they showed about Akron Group Number One, the first Alcoholics Anonymous Felllowship--a Christian Fellowship.

Finally, with inappropriate observations, A.A,. itself finally restored these stories as Conference-approved literature in their book Experience, Strength, and Hope.

But the real details and explanation today can readily be found in two important historical publications.

The first is the very recent reprint by Dover Publications, Inc. of the Original 1939 Big Book, with a 27 page introduction by Dick B. It is becoming an inexpensive and popular recovery resource right now.

The second is a recent publication by Dick B. and Ken B. Pioneer Stories in Alcoholics Anonymous. This is available in print on demand and in electronic format.

Both books are available through

Please feel free to contact with any questions.

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