Monday, April 29, 2013

My Higher Power: The Light Bulb

The crazier the higher powers become, the crazier the statements about them--whatever they are--get to be. Light bulbs are. . . chests of drawers are. . . Gertrude is. . . Ralph is. . . A table is. . . A door knob is. . . A radiator is. . . The back end of a city bus is. . . There are now dozens and dozens of these absurd names for "a" god--what kind of god that is could well lie in the realm of science, but not reason.

How about starting with Clarence Snyder's pamphlet, "My Higher Power: The Light Bulb"

And then see if anyone is on his knees praying to a chest of drawers, a radiator, or a light bulb. Or see if anyone really thinks that a chest of drawers or a light bulb or a Gertrude is really a "power greater than ourselves." Or see if anyone is going to church these days to worship a chair, the Big Dipper, or a Coke bottle.

See Dick B., God and Alcoholism

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