Saturday, February 12, 2011

A.A. - What do you do? What can you do? As a Christian

Suppose you believe you have a serious drinking or drug abuse problem. You've had blackouts. You've been ashamed of behavior. You've been arrested. You've been fired. You've been jailed. You've been hospitalized. Any or all of the above. And you want God's help in overcoming the seemingly hopeless condition. What do you do? What can you do? Where do you go? To whom do you talk? Where do you start?

Today this dilemma is common. We get calls and messages all the time from folks who have been intervened on, been in treatment, been counseled, been in a 12-Step Fellowship, been in a rehab. Yet here they are with the same old problems--and they are multiplying rapidly.

The International Christian Recovery Coalition was founded about two years ago by Christian leaders and others in the recovery arena who were frustrated by what did not work, and by the flack they received if they mentioned God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, religion, or their church. Even if they mentioned A.A. or N.A. or 12-Steps in their church!

Today, the Coalition has several solid projects under way which can answer your questions:

First, a no-cost participation in the International Christian Recovery Coalition. See

Second, The Dick B. Christian Recovery Guide, 3rd ed., 2010. See www.dickb/Christian-Recov-Guide.shml.

Third, the "Introductory Foundations for Christian Recovery" Class. See

Fourth, a Christian Recovery Resource Center. See

Fifth, one or more - even a free case of Dick B. Books or the entire reference set

What are the answers to the questions if you have someone in your family--a spouse, a child, an uncle or aunt, a grandparent, a niece or nephew--who is suffering from obvious alcoholism or addiction and you don't know where to start? Or what if you are a concerned friend or partner; a pastor; a counselor; a physician, a therapist, a law enforcement person, a judge, a probation officer, and you've seen the failures. Your afflicted person has too and want's God's help? What do you do?

We have been receiving questions like this from all over the world for at least ten of the twenty years we have been writing, speaking, and listening. And we can and do offer the assistance listed above. More important for now: You can phone, email, or write us: 808 874 4876,, or Dick B., PO Box 837, Kihei, HI 96753-0837.

And now you can contact any of the growing number of Christian Recovery Coalition Centers being established around the world each day.

"We Christians are not alone in the recovery arena!" And you do not need to be either.

Gloria Deo

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