Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Letter to a Christian Alcoholic, Disenchanted with A.A.

Dear L.


Thank you for the brief account of your situation,


I have several important suggestions for you right now, in addition to those my son Ken has sent to you.


1. Immediately purchase and read our new "Stick with the Winners" book. Order it through I believe you will see Alcoholics Anonymous in a helpful, compatible light.


2. If you are not going to any lengths to get well, you are not in the game. That means DAILY fellowship, DAILY prayer and Bible study, DAILY reading positive books such as The Dick B. Christian Recovery Guide - which you can order through Ken, DAILY setting aside a Quiet Time in which you communicate with God, read the Word, pray , and perhaps use a devotional like The Runner's Bible.


3. I have seen too many Christians turn away from the good aspects of A.A. and flounder about in half-measures Dr. Bob would never have countenanced. There are starting points you are probably missing: (a) determination never again to touch a drop of liquor. (b) Bringing requests for deliverance to God every time you see temptation lurking (James 1). (c) Daily fellowshipping with long-recovered Christian AAs who can provide suggestions, support, sponsorship, and 24/7 help. (d) Learn how and why early AAs got well as a Christian fellowship. See When Early AAs Were Cured and Why.

(e) Dive into A.A, keep your mouth shut, and get associated with a Christian sponsor, a Christian fellowship, and the historical view of A.A. See The Conversion of Bill W.


4. If you go to A.A. daily, get a sponsor that is a Christian, call him daily, get involved in an AA commitment such as making coffee or setting up meetings, and mastering the Big Book along with our presentation of the Steps (See Twelve Steps for  You), and making friends and contacts with other AAs who are Christians, and resolve to do whatever it takes, you can make it.


5 . I would never quit  drinking without  first going to a doctor for advice, medication, and even detox so that you do not become involved in DT's or seizures. 5 to7 day hospitalization was required of every early AA newcomer in the early Christian fellowship.


6. Go to A.A. for daily support, not for controversial discussions. Immediately find a newcomer that you personally can help - even if it is giving him a ride to meetings, sitting with him, phoning him, exchanging stories, and telling him privately how you are learning about A.A. history, early A.A., and the positive elements of the Big Book. Properly understood, the most important element of the A.A. part of recovery is not quitting drinking or putting your care in God's hands. It is about becoming determined to begin helping some other recovering drunk at once. And doing so!


If you find these suggestions helpful and are willing to commence immediately acting upon them, let me know; and I will make some suggested contacts for  you in  the Florida area.


God bless,


Dick B.

Author, 46 titles & over 1,200 articles on A.A. History and the Christian Recovery Movement

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