Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Substance Abuse Emergency in military and veteran arenas

My response  to a recent article on the subject but placing too much emphasis on clinical help.

Congratulations on this article regarding the drinking problems in the military AND among the veterans. As one who is focused on why early A.A. succeeded, and who has sponsored many men who have a military and then a vet background, I'll put in a plea for recognition of the role God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible have played in recovery. Originally, folks recognized that alcoholics were "medically incurable." For that malady, Christian organizations like the YMCA, rescue missions, Salvation Army, and early A.A. emphasized the need for God's help. Let's view A.A. History as a success factor instead of a past to be shelved. And we start with two approaches--the Bible and AA www.dickb.com/goodbook.shtml; and www.ChristianRecoveryCoalition.com. Let the doctors and the hospitals play their role. But remember the long history of success by one believing drunk helping another to believe and succeed. God Bless, Dick B.

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