Monday, April 29, 2013

AA Article with Common Errors About AA History, A.A. Roots, the Oxford Group, and Forgetting the Bible

There are several points about this article that need correcton and then fleshing out. First, the roots of A.A. were in the Bible, and not in the Oxford Group. The Good Book and The Big Book: A.A's Roots in the Bible Second, Bill's Towns Hospital event was precipiated by several preceding occurrences which should not be overlooks: (1) Dr. Silkworh, a devout Christian, advised Bill that the Great Physician (Jesus Christ) could cure him. (2) Bill's friend Ebby Thacher had been to Calvary Mission in New York, told Bill that he had been there and to the alter; and Bill concluded Ebby had been born again. (3) Bill went to the altar at Calvary Mission, accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, and wrote that he had been born again (4) Bill was then desperate, drunk, and depressedand decided to check in to Towns Hospital onece again. On the way, he decided that if there was a Great Physicia he had better call on hm. (5) At the hospital, Bill cried out to God for help; had a blazing extraordinary light fill his room; felt the breeze of the spirit; and said to himself "Bill, you are a free man. This is the God of the Scriptures. (6) Bill was cured and never drank again. (7)See Bill'sown statement on page 191 of the 4th edition of the Big Book where Bil tells of his thankfulness for the Lord's curing him

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