Thursday, March 08, 2012

Alcoholics Anonymous Questions

Is there anything in A.A. which excludes Christians?

Is there anything in A.A. which prohibits reading the Bible?

In meetings?

Is there anything in A.A. which prevents mention of Jesus Christ?

Is there anything in A.A. which says you can't mention the Creator? The Maker? Heavenly Father? God?

Is there anything in A.A. which is banned as conference-disapproved literature?

Can AAs worship God?

Can AAs study the Bible?

Can AAs accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior

Is there anything in the Word of God which specifically forbids going to an A.A. meeting?

Are the Twelve Steps of A.A. the product of Emmet Fox? New Thought? New Age? Humanism?

Are the Twelve Steps of A.A. based on the Bible?

Did the language of some of the A.A. Steps come from the teachings of Rev. Samuel M. Shoemaker?

Can a priest speak to AAs in a meeting? A rabbi? A minister?

Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Christian Fellowship? Was it ever?

What did the Book of James, Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, and 1 Corinthians 13 contribute to A.A.?

Why did early AAs want to call their Society "The James Club?" Or did they?

Did atheists found A.A.? Agnostics? Humanists? Buddhists? Unbelievers? If so, who?

Is freemasonry mentioned in the Big Book? Spiritualism? Voodo? Sorcery? Chanting?

Dick B.

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