Sunday, August 22, 2010

Effective recovery service today--a simple approach

After twenty years of travel, investigation, study, research, collecting materials, and then disseminating the results, I believe every person who wishes to quit permanently his or her self-destructive addictive, alcoholic, and at-risk behavior, can learn from the origins, history, founding, original program, and astonishing successes of the early Alcoholics Anonymous Christian Fellowship founded in Akron, Ohio, in 1935.

How to do it in Alcoholics Anonymous and Twelve Step Fellowships today?

Abandon the nonsense gods where people call their "higher power" a light bulb, a chair, a rock, Something, Santa Claus, and other absurd names. Abandon the nonsense talk about a supposed difference in Alcoholics Anonymous between "spirituality" and "religion" where advocates try to tell newcomers Alcoholics Anonymous is "spiritual, but not religious." Abandon the idea that people in recovery cannot and should not turn to God for help, cannot and should not establish a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and cannot and should not read the Bible, Christian literature, or Christian devotionals. Abandon the idea that Christians are not welcome in Alcoholics Anonymous, should not seek help there, and are hell-bound if they do. Abandon the small, hard-core of writers today who devote themselves to trying to tear down Alcoholics Anonymous, drive Christians out of recovery fellowships, and misquote the Bible as "authority" for their promises of damnation for those who are seeking recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Find out the original program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Get the facts from our new class "Introductory Foundations for Christian Recovery" Check out A.A.'s own description of the early program--five simple points that were required and are published in A.A.'s own "DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers." Pick up your Big Book. Read the Twelve Steps. Learn how both differ from the original Alcoholics Anonymous program. See how a Christian in Alcoholics Anonymous or a Twelve Step Fellowship today can and should feel free to turn to God for help, share his relationship with Jesus Christ, document the fact that early AAs did just that, and ask people to study the abc's on A.A.'s own Big Book, page 60.

A.A. today tells its readers that "God could and would if he were sought." And He can and will if people stop making up absurd names for a god, trying to create self-made religion, and uttering half-baked prayers instead of following the guidance laid out by our Creator in the Word of God.

It's all in the new class "Introductory Foundations for Christian Recovery." The class is short. It's simple. It's accurate and reliable. And it will point you toward effective recovery service today with a simple approach. See

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