Thursday, June 17, 2010

Christians Alcoholics Anonymous

There has been a widespread destructive campaign under way in the last twenty years, and particularly since the web has become a major way to bash and misinform desperate alcoholics and addicts about the role of God in recovery.

For a long time, atheists and others simply focused on why they thought folks could get well without God, why A.A. was supposedly a religion, and why people were being entrapped in a cult if they joined A.A. And at least these prolific writers and publishers laid their cards on the table. They didn't believe in God. They didn't like religion. And they felt A.A. needed to be "unmasked."

Next in line, perhaps, came several anti-A.A. authors and writers who focused on the shortcomings of A.A. founders. These men, or at least Bill W., were nuts, they claimed. They were greedy, they claimed. They said the founders were involved in all sorts of questionable pursuits in relation to alcoholism--LSD, Niacin, spiritualism, adultery, and much much more. These folks also laid their cards on the table. They were not necessarily fighting God. They were just bashing particularly the foibles of A.A.'s co-founder Bill W. In the course of writing some accurate statements of fact, they devotedly sought to take A.A. itself down.

Then came the minority Christians. And today their seemingly well-financed websites and some writings have one major theme: Christians shouldn't be in A.A., they say. Their arguments are fallacious in that they don't contain correct facts about A.A.'s Christian origins, the Christian up-bringing of its founders, the original strong emphasis on accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and the Christian Fellowship that was founded in Akron in 1935 and had a documented 75% success rate among the seemingly hopeless, "medically incurable," last-gasp real alcoholics who went to any lengths to establish a relationship with God and be healed.

Today, these minority Christians have gathered together on the web under a new banner: "Christians Alcoholics Anonymous." Perhaps this title might actually attract Christians in A.A., Christians who are considering A.A., and Christians who just don't like A.A. And, in a nation where free speech rules, why shouldn't they use this monniker!

Actually, though their sites themselves have different titles and often different authors, they might be considered a blessing to all those Christian leaders in recovery and Christians in recovery who don't know the facts about the early A.A. Christian Fellowship in Akron and become interested in finding out the truth.

We have written plenty about these facts in such books as The Akron Genesis of Alcoholics Anonymous, When Early AAs Were Cured and Why, The James Club and the Original A.A. Program's Absolute Essentials, and The Good Book and the Big Book: A.A.'s Roots in the Bible.
And these titles are described and reviewed on our main website at
Actually, the plethora of Christian anti-AA, Atheist anti-AA, and Anti-Bill Wilson writings have driven many an inquiring Christian to our websites:;;;;; and And that's exactly what we like--not the "anti" but the attention of those who want facts. We have no problem answering the critics--be they Christians, atheists, or ad-hominem souls. Our twenty years of research, our 39 published titles, and our more than 400 articles have provided facts that were virtually unknown or unreported or just plain distorted in 1990.

Right now, when you see "Christians Alcoholics Anonymous" on your search engine, think of the role that God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible played in early A.A. and can play today for the tens, if not hundreds of thousands, or Christian leaders and Christians in recovery who want God's help. Our new start-up foundational class is "Introductory Foundations for Christian Recovery." It is simple, concise, thorough, and factual. And it is up to date--having been produced in 2010. See details on

And remember "Christians Alcoholics Anonymous" can best be translated "Christians in Alcoholics Anonymous," or "Christians in recovery," or those in Alcoholics Anonymous or recovery who want to know how the early Akron Christian Fellowship achieved its astonishing successes. In His Service, Dick B.

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