Sunday, June 03, 2012

Ray G.--retired archivist at Dr. Bob's Home--to be interviewed on radio by Dick B.

Dick B. interviews a world-wide Christian recovery leader or worker or historian and then asks the leader to tell what he or she is doing in the recovery field, what he or she has done, and any plans for the future. The show is about one half hour.

Rev. Michael Liimatta of Kansas City, Missouri, was the first to be interviewed and tell us about his extensive service in treatment work, Alcoholics Victorious, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, Footprints, City Vision College, and his present consulting work and presentations to such leaders and workers as Salvation Army personnel, etc.

Our next person to be interviewed will be Ray G. of Newton Falls, Ohio.

Ray has long-term sobriety as a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. He has sponsored a large number of people in their recovery. He has an enormous collection of A.A. historical materials that he graciously assembled and then takes around the United States to conferences and meetings. For many many years, Ray was the archivist at Dr. Bob's Home, 855 Ardmore Avenue, Akron, Ohio. He was also one of the Managing Directors for the Home's foundation. Ray knew Dr. Bob's children very well--Sue Smith Windows of Akron and Robert R. Smith ("Smitty") of Nocona, Texas, and Smitty's wife Betty. Ray was long a volunter providing free service to Dr. Bob's Home. And he spends half of his time on his ranch at Newton Falls, Ohio (very near Akron) and half at Seminole, Florida. Ray has been an immense supporter of our work, has been present at most places I have spoken, and is himself a much sought after and very humerous speaker at the hundreds of meetings where he addresses AAs and others. Ray and his wonderful wife Ginny have been speakers with Dick B. on two A.A. history cruises and at the First and Second Nationwide Alcoholics Anonymous History Conferences in Phoenix, Arizona, and in Delaware, respectively.

Be sure to hear our interview of Ray which will be recorded on

Dick B., Executive Director, International Christian Recovery Coalition; 808 874 4876.

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